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  • Dentist Information
  • Orthodontics For You is a dental surgery near Bromsgrove and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 1 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Orthodontics For You
    Review SourceBy:Miss F Hyett
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 12 2016

    I would highly recommend this dental practice. From the first phone call I made I felt confident in becoming a customer here. I received a friendly, professional response on the phone and I was able to get booked in to a time that was suited to me as I have awkward working hours. When I arrived to my consultation I was greeted at very friendly, happy reception with two lovely receptionist who were more than happy to help and assist me. I had my consultation which I was given many choices to achieve the best result I wanted for my teeth in time before my wedding. They talked through prices and decisions in a private room which made you feel more relaxed and open to ask certain questions you may not be able to ask in an open area. I was not pushed into anything ans was told to take my time to think about the best option for myself (if this is what I wanted). I proceeded to carry on and chose my treatment I wanted and I was given the option to pay by finance or in full which took the pressure off having to pay the full amount straight away. I am still having treatment at the moment but I have been so happy with the results so far and it is only 5 weeks in. The practice know I have a tight schedule to get my teeth right before my wedding in August and they are doing all they can to get my appointments booked in frequently to do so. The team are so kind, friendly and only want the best for you. I never feel nervous when I am there and I leave feeling so happy and my braces aren't even off yet so I can't wait for the end result as I will have an even bigger, brighter smile with straight teeth. I really do recommend this practice, they wont let you down. This is my time to say thank you to all the team for looking after me so well. :)
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Orthodontics For You, 15 Churchfields, Worcs, Bromsgrove, B61 8DS

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