Brandon House

  • Brandon House
    29 Douglas Avenue, Exmouth, EX8 2HE
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Brandon House is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 35 older people. Brandon house cannot provide nursing care. Brandon House is a detached house, situated close to Exmouth town centre in a quiet residential area.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Brandon House
    Review SourceBy:Alex rating
    Dec 2 2016

    My Nan is coming to the end of her care at Brandon House at the moment. She is an incredible woman and at the age of 94 the wonderful staff of Brandon House picked up on her youthful naughty side and have loved her to pieces while she has stayed there. Every time we came to visit, we all felt welcome and there was always someone on hand to talk about how we could improve Nanny's day. These people are angels and made what is always a difficult time, as easy as it can be. I could not recommend them more highly - Thank you.
    Original Comment Report...

    Brandon House
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Jan 4 2016

    My nanny was in Brandon House for about five years. I visited her on several occasions and was always very pleased with the way that the staff were so helpful. Whenever I had telephone or written contact, nanny was always very happy with her living arrangements. . she joined in with card games, drawing classes, strolls around the gardens. There were regular clubs happening, as well as the option to sit and chat or just 'be'. She was able to ask for cups of tea at any time and the meals were of a good standard. As her health degraded, the level of care for her remained exemplary. I would thoroughly recommend Brandon House to anyone looking for a place to be cared for with the ability to be independent within their abilities. The staff are incredible people. They work with and for and among the residents with professional and personal skills that astounded me. Any queries that I ever had about nanny, I could phone Brandon House and be given immediate answers. The residents are all cared for and known. Two members of staff attended her cremation and it just felt right.
    Original Comment Report...

    Brandon House
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Jan 3 2016

    My mother was a resident of Brandon House for almost five years and was always happy there. We chose Brandon House after visiting several homes in Exmouth and meeting their owners and residents. The management impressed immediately with their ethos of what made a good home; they put residents' wishes first, had a genuine curiosity about other people and a liking for them, had a strong understanding and knowledge of elderly people and how to help them live as independently and contentedly as possible. Brandon had a friendly informal atmosphere, where my mother could get a drink and a snack at any time and other residents were friendly and the staff were caring and helpful. I always left after a visit feeling impressed and reassured by the openess and efficiency of the staff. All the rooms had a very high standard of decoration and furniture and were bright and cheerful. The main lounge and dining rooms looked out onto the well-kept gardens, which had a shaded veranda in the summer and were popular with residents. We joined my mother for lunch on several occasions and were favourably impressed with the quality of the food. The staff to residents ratio was high and my mother often told me how considerate and helpful staff were. She had a key worker and this gave a consistency to her care. The staff recruitment policy must have been rigorous as all the staff I met over the years were friendly, helpful and efficient whilst retaining a strong personal touch and treating residents with interest and dignity. I rarely gave advance warning of my visits and was always made welcome. My mother joined in the activities, appreciated the residents' meetings and was helped to remain as active as possible even after her mobility and health declined. Residents initiated some of the activities and nominated films for the regular film society. She often told me that living at Brandon was like living in an hotel. Whenever she was ill, they kept me informed of her progress, consulted on her treatment and in my absence liaised between me and my mother's GP. They also acted as an advocate for my mother's best interests and ensured that her wishes were adhered to. Staff cared for my mother with tenderness and respect for her dignity and became attached to her as she was to them. Other relatives who visited my mother all commented on how we had made the right choice, and I would strongly recommend Brandon House to anyone looking for a residential home for themselves or their relatives.
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Exmouth.

    Brandon House is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Exmouth. More information
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