Rix House

  • Rix House
    24 Arncliffe Road, Keighley, BD22 6AREmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Rix House is a residential care home and the service provides support for adults with learning disabilities, giving them the necessary encouragement to enable people to live happy and fulfilled lives. Depending on the level of support people require, the service offers 24 hour care, access to health and community services, support with personal care needs, support with daily living tasks, daily social activities and access to educational opportunities.

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  • Care Home Services

    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Rix House
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Jul 7 2019

    We just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all that made dad's surprise 90th birthday so special! What a turn out, everyone had such a good time, dad was so surprised, we had hidden the surprise under the guise of a Summer Fair. Dad had a wonderful time with so many family and friends descending. We had raffles, bingo and lots more. We would like to thank you for letting us hold the party at Rix House, to all the staff who always go above and beyond and to the residents who allowed us to hold the party in their home. The day was a great success and we made £270.00 which was the proceeds from the raffle and bingo as we wanted the residents to get a treat out of dad's birthday too. Watch this space as we will update people letting them know what treat the residents had. With huge thanks to the wonderful staff making dad's 90th birthday such a fabulous day.
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    Rix House
    Review SourceBy:samholwil123
    Rating:..star rating
    Jan 1 2018

    I'd just like to say what a fantastic night was had by all. Thanks to all the staff who must have worked really hard beforehand to put on such a fabulous night. The turn out was brilliant and there was something for everyone, pass the parcel for the residents and one for the children too, not to mention the raffle (we did win the sweet hamper, yummy!) And of course bingo, she did have a couple of helpers giving her a hand and I must say she better watch out! None of this could happen without the hard work and dedication that the staff put in, they seriously go above and beyond, I couldn't wish for my brother to be in better hands. A big thank you to all of you
    Original Comment Report...

    Rix House
    Review SourceBy:samholwil123
    Rating:..star rating
    Nov 2 2017

    Well done to all the staff who really got into the spirit of Halloween. The whole place was decorated and they masked up with face paints and halloween garb! It makes me happy for Alistair (our brother) and us to be part of the Rix House family.It was really good that staff let service users join in with halloween
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Keighley.

    Rix House is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Keighley. More information
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