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NameHamilton West Medical Practice
Address53 Burnbank Road
Phone01698 281 407



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Hamilton West Medical Practice is a GP Practice in Hamilton and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 2 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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Patient Reviews

Hamilton West Medical Practice
Date:Feb 9 2023
Rating:Star Rating
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I have never felt so much hostility from a receptionist in my life, she answers the phone ready for a battle, I thankfully don't use this surgery, but my stepson does. It baffles me as to why the office manager would have a telephone system that allows people to wait on hold from queue position No 10 to the t8.e passed for prescriptions and not expect people to be upset with how it's ran! I understand the issues you all have at the moment, however, your system is dreadful and only causing you more issues, no wonder Margo wants to argue the bit constantly. Also Margo's advice as if she is a doctor, what's that about, my son fell with weakness, has terrible infection I explained he's already had all of counter medication and it's not working, I'll call NHS 24, she said what's the point they will only return you back to us!! What for to sit on phone all day finally get through and it's too late by 10.30? Disgusting! Please sort out your phone line, it should never allow people to sit on hold way past a time if you cannot do anything, very frustrating, also advise your receptionist having empathy goes a long way in her job. I'm an office manager and there's alot in your house that needs fixed!

Hamilton West Medical Practice
By:Mary m
Date:Feb 3 2023
Rating:Star Rating
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Saw gp yesterday 2/2/23 told me l needed bloods done booked an appt for today at 1010am l arrived just before 10am margot was on the desk she booked me in and told me to have a seat, every tom dick and harry was being sern before me after my appt time so at 1030am l asked reception why her reply was l hadnt been checked in and the nurse didnt know l was there this is shocking do they think l have nothing better to do than sit in their surgery for no reason at all no word of apology either its an absolute disgrace

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