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NameTrinity House Orthodontics
Address46-50 Shambles Street
S70 2SH
Phone01226 770010     Call Trinity House Orthodontics

Fax01226 770003



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Trinity House Orthodontics is a dental surgery near Barnsley and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 6 reviews with a rating of 3.0 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Trinity House Orthodontics
By:Cerys Stacey
Date:Jul 20 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I went to this orthodontist for 5 years whilst I was at school therefore I didn’t have to pay for any of my treatment. While they did a good job of fixing my overbite, my teeth are still wonky. I told them that I wasn’t happy with my teeth as one of my top front teeth was further forward than the other and all my bottom teeth were not quite in line yet they told me they were fine and discharged me anyway. Now I’m going to have to pay to have them fixed elsewhere seen as they couldn’t be bothered to do it properly the first time.
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Trinity House Orthodontics
Date:Jun 21 2018
Rating:Star Rating
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We would not recommend this orthodontist. Reception staff were professional friendly and helpful. Some of the nurses/technicians also were helpful however the approach of the Orthodontists to the patient and parents left a lot to be desired. Our son has a learning difficulty but does not have a fear of the dentist and is happy to sit and have dental work completed. The first screening we felt was good and the orthodontist registered through a questionnaire that he had additional needs. However on at least two occasions we have had to point out to the orthodontist that he was not able to understand what they were saying to him and they needed to phrase it in a more appropriate way. Besides this we also felt that the orthodontists (both) were unapproachable, unprofessional in their approach to their patient and the parent. Little information was given, they could be quite irritable and judgemental (my son will not always clean his teeth well - although he has not got a filling, any decay or removal of teeth at the age of 13 so it can't be that bad). It was an unpleasant experience every time we went there they were so unfriendly. We were made to feel like when they decided his fixed brace had not worked we were to blame! We have seen other children in the surgery in tears and parents having to comfort them. If your child has any fear about going to the dentist I would highly recommend that you do not go here. Our last visit left our son in tears after as the dentist said that he would have to have teeth out and this made him scared, there was no real explanation or concern for a child with extra needs in how this information was delivered. We have now gone elsewhere as we could not put him or ourselves through it any longer we would rather everyone was happy with slightly crooked teeth! We are very happy with the new service elsewhere who have a much more professional approach.
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Trinity House Orthodontics
Date:May 9 2017
Rating:Star Rating
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She was treated without respect. Dentist act like they are smarter and she should just be quiet and lisen. Not very friendly
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Trinity House Orthodontics, 46-50 Shambles Street, Barnsley, S70 2SH

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