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NameWarren House Dental Surgery
Address231 Sheffield Road
S70 4DE
Phone01226 205239     Call Warren House Dental Surgery



RatingStar Rating 2 Reviews
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 Dentist Information
Warren House Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Barnsley and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 2 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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Patient Reviews

Warren House Dental Surgery
Date:Apr 27 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

During a routine check up I mentioned that one of my molars had lost a large part of the filling. After a discussion with the dentist as to the options, it was decided to fit a dental crown. The explanation regarding the procedure and process was very straightforward and in plain language. A layout of costs was also given. After one session of prep work (including a temporary crown) the crown was fitted a few weeks later. It was a 10 minute process and the new crown fits very well. I thought the care, consideration given was excellent.
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Warren House Dental Surgery
By:Carol Sharpe
Date:Mar 15 2017
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

I checked on the NHS choices website for Dentists near to my home who were taking on NHS fee paying adults. I carefully checked the reviews left on the website and chose to contact this practice. The receptionist answered the call promptly and was very friendly and helpful and made me an appointment to be seen within 2 days for registration. The building is clean and tidy and the reception staff friendly, approachable and very helpful. The dentist introduced them-self and their nurse when I entered and then explained what they would be doing, taking details and putting them on the computer, checking my neck, gums, tongue and palate, checking my teeth and taking Xrays. The dentist gained consent prior to the examination and explained the pricing. After the examination, the Dentist showed me my Xray and explained what they were looking for and told me the condition of my teeth. We discussed the two concerns that I had about my teeth and the dentist provided their advice and will keep a watch on them. I felt warmly welcomed and completely informed throughout. I was made comfortable and felt involved in any decisions.The Dentist was clearly very knowledgeable and happy to discuss any issues with me. I was so impressed that my Husband has also decided to change his Dentist and has now registered here too. Excellent service.
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Warren House Dental Surgery, 231 Sheffield Road, Barnsley, S70 4DE

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