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NameHampstead Orthodontic Practice
Address4 Elm Terrace
Constantine Road
Phone020 7284 2827     Call Hampstead Orthodontic Practice



RatingStar Rating 21 Reviews
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Hampstead Orthodontic Practice is a dental surgery near Hampstead and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 21 reviews with a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5.
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Hampstead Orthodontic Practice
Date:Aug 27 2023
Rating:Star Rating
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My dentist has damaged my beautiful smile permanently. Instead of offering me a full refund, compensation and paying for the thousands of pounds I’ve had to fork out as he didn’t finish the job properly, he blocked my lawyer’s attempt to make a claim on his business insurance or any claim. My dentist should claim on his insurance to give me the compensation for the life long treatment with veneers/composite bonding and another brace to fix the damage he did to my original smile, but instead my dentist has not said sorry and paid for the damage and costs. Therefore I view going to this practice as extremely high risk. I had two Damon Clear braces on at Hampstead Orthodontic Practice and my upper row was beautiful anyway but it was the lower that was crooked so my dentist said to keep both the upper and lower brackets I’d had on for two weeks prior to arriving at his practice. He made several changes to ensure he was happy with the brace the way he would have put it on. I asked for the upper to be removed as I hated it and I already loved my upper teeth the way they were, but he said I needed to keep it on. The results were as follows: my dentist completely ruined my upper teeth and very, very seriously because the line between the two front teeth is now crooked and my two front teeth slant to one side. This means my smile is no longer symmetrical like it used to be as you can see on the Before and After photos. This is what I am most horrified about as it’s the front two teeth are ruined and it’s right in the centre of my face and so ruined my smile. It was only a few days after I left the Hampstead practice when I took a photo of my smile did I realise how slanted my teeth were. my dentist let me leave the practice looking like that saying the job was done when it clearly wasn’t done with precision!?! Not only this, the brace on the lower was not done properly so I left with dark triangle gaps. He said he would get them filed and pushed together and he never did, which is totally lazy of him. I thought they looked uglier than before post treatment but he told me that was the best he could do, and I’d need composite bonding to fill them in!!! That would need doing regularly for the rest of my life and no way before treatment started did he tell me that!! When I told him I was not happy as he had not filed them down as he’d said he would, he said to come back, but by then I didn’t trust him given the mess he let me leave the practice in saying my treatment was complete. Also his professional opinion wasn’t that senior as I went to another practice and ther orthodontist put invisalign on the lower to push the teeth together so now I don’t have black triangles at all and don’t need composite bonding as much! This cost me thousands of pounds extra! my dentist should have done that! my dentist was not precise and telling me that was the best he could do so the treatment was over making me leave the practice looking bad is horrific. I feel completely abused and sad that he ruined my smile, and I’ve felt like this for 3 years, (the time it’s taken me to correct his work and I’m still not finished!!!) and I am also out of pocket thousands and thousands of pounds fixing his mess. All the orthodontists and dentists I showed his work to were horrified at the results and some of them like I said, fixed the problems but some said it’s now life long problems that weren’t there before that I now have to deal with. Perfectly fine top teeth now need butchering because of my dentist’s work. Alvanos may reply to my review with excuses, but you can see for yourself the Before and After photos and see the After looks worse on the upper and the lower has big gaps (I now paid someone else to put another bracket on the lower to get rid of the black triangles, like I said). Check out my Before and After photos that I attach with my review and you decide for yourself. I’m recording a full honest review on youtube soon so I’ll

Hampstead Orthodontic Practice
By:Sacred Birmans
Date:Sep 10 2018
Rating:Star Rating
Review Source

Our family was recommended a Dr at Hampstead Orthodontic Practice (HOP) before moving to London and we are extremely happy to pass on the same recommendation. The options for our children's orthodontic treatment were clearly explained, as well as potential/eventual surgery required. Cost and payment options were equally clear from the onset. But the true value is the quality of the staff at the HOP. The orthodontist and every staff member are understanding of children's and parents concerns alike, and are extremely friendly whilst efficient and professional. As a busy Practice, it is recommended to book at least two appointments out to ensure the best suitable time slot for the family, but HOP sent out reminders several days prior to the appointment to ensure it was still in everyone's calendar. As both of our kids have just concluded their successful treatments, they are thrilled with their new 'look'. Thank you to everyone at HOP!
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Hampstead Orthodontic Practice
Date:Jun 7 2018
Rating:Star Rating
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At every visit I was impressed by the kindness, courtesy and professionalism of the staff at this practice. In addition, the outcome of my treatment was to my expectations and, while the treatment was difficult (as orthodontics is!) to go through, I am glad that I persevered. I would highly recommend this practice.
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Hampstead Orthodontic Practice, 4 Elm Terrace, Constantine Road, Hampstead, NW3 2LL

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