
  • Chamwood
    2 Upwell Lane, Sheffield, S4 8EY
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Chamwood is an eight bedded home that provides accommodation for persons who require personal care. It has single bedrooms with en-suite accommodation. It is located in the Grimesthorpe area of Sheffield with good access to public services and amenities. Accommodation is on two floors. The home has communal lounges and kitchen/dining rooms and car parking facilities.

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  • Care Home Services

    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care
    Substance misuse problems: Yes, offers Substance misuse problems

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  •  Care location and near by additional services
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Kerry rating
    Aug 29 2017

    I'm unhappy with the way staff sit around in office while not giving people lots of conversation Poorly people beging told to go shop for themselves or sleep bedroom up stairs Just because a person with server mental heath Makes it upstairs once dosnt mean they pass the step test . My mum got told of occupational therapist she needed np stairs so got a bungalow due to mentally incapated got sectioned then to get out of hospital they put her in a sheltered accomadation .my mum was under impression she was to go into bedroom upstairs in till room ready down stairs .we was lead to believe it was a short proces of waiting time . Over and over my mum has collapsed on floor sat in road got lofts off strangers home as she's laid on floor Due to servies arthritis and pain . And staff keep telling her you can still move yr legs to make it upstairs or down for a ciggeret. So they leave her in up bedroom .also my mum had a mobility scooter that the staff don't allow her out on die to scooter breaking down .the staff say nobody can help push it back from local shop . I don't np why they are paid for care if they not listening to her needs or giving the care she needs Even when she's due her depo and it's very upside down in her head .they allow her out late at night wearing pyjamas and no coat .my mum takes about 20 different tablets per day for pain and arthritis thyroid mental heath And they still keep telling her use yr legs .take more pain killers I've never seen them playing games with tenants. Few times sat in same main room as them but mostly staff sat in office .sad really it's like adult children's home .all people together all staff together .they change there phone number that much you carnt even get hold off staff .my mum calls me and my sister begging to get her off floor or bed as she's stuck .And we ask have you told staff she says she's shouting but nobody's answering her .then we try call Charmwood it's disconnected. Or if odd occasion terrible phone manurisiums
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Sheffield.

    Chamwood is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Sheffield. More information
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A quick guide to finding, choosing and paying for a care home

There may come a time in your life when you need to move into a care home. You may also choose to move into a care home...