Francis Court

  • Francis Court
    Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, Crawley, RH10 3LQ
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Francis Court is a provider of care near Crawley and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 1 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Mental health conditions: Yes, offers care for Mental health conditions
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Francis Court
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Apr 18 2016

    Poor care overall. Staff unable to address bladder infections, dehydration and nutritional needs. Managerial staff have changed 8 times. No continuity of care. Many staff have left within a month leaving agency staff with little knowledge to care for vulnerable people. It is more a residential home than nursing.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Francis Court
    Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:00:47 +0100

    I am sorry to hear that your experience at Francis Court has not lived up to expectations. You are right that there has historically been some change in leadership at the home, and this has been my focus since I was appointed in January. I can see a real opportunity to make a positive impact at the home and am very focused on bringing some stability to the team. Recruitment is a high priority for me and I am pleased to have now appointed a full nursing team. We do continue to use agency cover if needed to ensure safe staffing levels, but we will regularly use the same agency to ensure continuity of care and that quality and training of agency staff meets our high standards. We currently have an even split of nursing and residential clients and I am confident that my team and I are well equipped to meet the needs of both groups of residents. We do understand that there is always room to make the service better and remain open to further feedback that may help us identify and address any specific concerns. I would be very happy to speak to you about these directly next time you are in the home. Mary-Ann Ballesteros

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Crawley.

    Francis Court is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Crawley. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Francis Court. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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