Manor House

  • Manor House
    Hall Lane, Old Farnley, Leeds, LS12 5HAEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Manor House is staffed by a well-established team of care workers, who take pride in their reputation and demonstrate commitment and dedication to all residents and their individual needs.

    Manor House is set in beautiful enclosed gardens which provide a pleasant and secure environment to enjoy the outdoors. The home offers a wide range of features designed with the comfort, privacy and independent lifestyle choices of residents in mind. From music entertainment and hairdressing to respite care and access to physiotherapy every need is catered for.

    Residents are encouraged to bring their own furniture for a more personal touch but this is not required as all rooms are fully equipped. A smoking room is available for resident smokers and delicious fresh home cooked food offering a varied menu is served daily.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Manor House
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Jan 28 2018

    My mother in law has been a resident of Manor House for over 3 years, she has been very well cared for in this time. Staff are very attentive and nothing is ever too much trouble. Everyone is made to feel really welcome. My MiL's room is kept nice, clean and tidy and is always very warm as my MiL feels the cold. I would have no hesitation in recommending Manor House, I have built up good relationships with all the staff, can't fault them.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Leeds.

    Manor House is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Leeds. More information
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A quick guide to finding, choosing and paying for a care home

There may come a time in your life when you need to move into a care home. You may also choose to move into a care home...