Grantham Street

  • Grantham Street
    35 Railway Road, Blackburn, BB1 1EZ
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  • Home Care Information

    This service provides personal care in two adjoining houses for people who have a learning disability. Staff are present at the houses 24 hours a day to assist people who live there. The houses are modern and equipped to look after people who have disabilities. There is parking for the disabled and accessible gardens. There is a local shopping area and it is close to the town centre and local bus routes.

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  • Care Home Services

    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities

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  •  Care location and near by additional services
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  • Patient Ratings






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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Home Care in Blackburn.

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    Group Name
    Blackburn & District Supported Housing Limited

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  • Popular Local Home Care Providers
    Blackburn Service 0.5 miles
    Choice Care 0.8 miles
    Key2Support 3.8 miles
    Townfield Home Care 4.1 miles
    Dalesview Partnership Domiciliary Care 7.8 miles
    Cherry Tree Lodge Private Residential Ca 8.3 miles
    Footcare Service 8.5 miles
    Complete Care Services Rossendale 8.5 miles
    Brief Therapy Support Service 8.7 miles
    Central Lancashire Age Concern Nail Cutt 8.8 miles
Additional Information
Funding Home Care in England
Funding Home Care in England

You may qualify for local authority funding towards care at home costs.

Firstly, you must first arrange a care needs assessment