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  • Dentist Information
  • Burgess & Hyder is a dental surgery near Bowburn and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 2 reviews with a rating of 3.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Burgess & Hyder
    Review SourceBy:Mary
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 15 2022

    I. Had my tooth removed yesterday and I was made to feel relaxed a comfortable. I would like to thank all staff that attended to me

    Burgess & Hyder
    Review SourceBy:Brian Dinsley
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 30 2018

    I am registered at Burgess & Hyder in Sedgefield. Last March I had an abscess on one of my teeth. The dentist said she would try to save it with a second root canal procedure and so I was given a course of antibiotics to control the infection which worked. However, before my appointment to do the root canal came around, the abcscess returned. Unfortunately, this was 5 days before going on holiday overseas and so I called B&H in Sedgefield and spoke with a staff member. I felt completely palmed off. All she could offer was an appointment on the Friday which was as a result of domeone’s cancellation, but this was just one day before my flight. She said there was nothing she could do to help! Basically it was just “hard luck mate!” I called their Bowburn clinic to see if I could get an appointment there an while they had no appointments available, the receptionist was very helpful and advised me to call the 111 line after 6:30 pm which I duly did. I have no idea why the staff member at Sedgefield couldn’t provide similar advice? Fortunately, when I called 111, I was offered an emergency appointment the following day at a different clinic (not B&H) and now my abscess has been removed, along with the offending tooth. So, I have signed up to my new dental clinic and will be calling B&H at Sedgefield tomorrow to inform them that I won’t be using them again. A pity really because I always found the dentists to be highly professional and pleasant people.
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Burgess & Hyder, Ground Floor, Wellspring Business Centre, Bowburn, D

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