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  • Dentist Information
  • Station Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Preston and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 17 reviews with a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Station Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Grambo
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 6 2019

    I am a nervous person when I'm at the dentist ??. Not looking forward to my treatment that I desperately needed on my first visit the team made me feel so at ease that I just was totally relaxed . They explained what was going on an what was needed in the future in leymans terms. The treatment and standards where 100% and couldn't have been better.IMHO there is no better dentist in the Leyland area . So for a happy mouth and smile just go to this dentist
    Original Comment Report...

    Station Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 13 2018

    My initial treatment at this practice was excellent, and I couldn’t recommend them enough - however, I was informed that some of my larger back teeth would need to be extracted and was referred to a consultant. During the waiting period, I had severe toothache and was seen by a Dr - who attempted to extract one of my molar teeth. The extraction took around 50 minutes which was extremely uncomfortable, and resulted in the dentist breaking my tooth and leaving the roots in situ. The pain afterwards was so extreme, I have never felt anything like it. I phoned up the next day as pain killers weren’t working and I was still loosing blood. The Dr I had seen made a few sarcastic remarks during this consultation and basically told me I’d have to wait for the consultant who was on holiday. What followed was 21 days of severe pain - two trips to A&E, two trips to the emergency dentist and frantic attempts to find a private consultant. Not once was I contacted during this period to see how I was getting on - and no aftercare was offered by Station Dental. Eventually the roots were removed by the consultant and I cannot thank him enough, he was great. As were the dental nurses. I wouldn’t go back to Station Dental or recommend them.
    Original Comment Report...

    Station Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 13 2018

    I received treatment from the dentist ( assisted by a member of staff ) to repair a tooth that had been split during a serious road accident ( although it also had decay under the existing filling ) It was a very difficult job and the dentist was great at explaining the problem, the options and the risks. She went out of her way to put me at ease and the teamwork between herself and her assistant on the day was very positive with both applying working and communicating well. As it was difficult and unusual job the dentist was very open that it was not a certain outcome but she and the assistant did their absolute best and a few days later it still seems good. As a patient I really appreciated the dentist's very patient centric approach and would very happily have her as a dentist again.
    Original Comment Report...

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Station Dental Practice, 9-10 Golden Hill, Leyland, Preston, PR25 3NN

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