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  • Dentist Information
  • mydentist is a dental surgery near Bournemouth and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 12 reviews with a rating of 3.0 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    Extraction - Complex (Search)£280
    Extraction - Special Difficulty (Search)£336
    Tooth Whitening
    Zoom Take Home Whitening (Search)£299
    Veneers (Search)£331
    X-rays - Small (Search)£22
    X-rays - Large (Search)£47
    Quick Straight Teeth (Search)£1500
    Cfast (Search)£1500
    Invisalign (Search)£1500
    Six Month Smiles (Search)£1500
    Bridges (Search)£250
    Crown (Search)£702
    Dentures - Full (Search)£990
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment fee (Search)£99
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    Child exam (under 3s) (Search)Free£POA
    Child exam (3 - 17yrs) (Search)£25
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Exam (Search)£49
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam (Search)£130
    Fillings - White
    White/Composite Filling (Search)£144
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root Canal Treatment (Incisor/Canine) (Search)£330
    Root Canal Treatment (Pre-molar) (Search)£470
    Root Canal Treatment (Molar) (Search)£535
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygiene Appointment 20 minutes (Search)£58
    Hygiene Appointment 30 minutes (Search)£88
    Tooth Extraction
    Extraction - Simple (Search)£145
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Laura
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 5 2022

    I am at start of teeth extractions .impressions finally dentures. I have fear of dentist but at this surgery put you at first foremost. I went today receptionist fantastic sorry for got dentist name and receptionist.but give me break only had teeth removed hour ago. I was sooo nervous. But believe me it qas the most.painless injections and extraction I ever had done thank you all seeyou Friday for impressions yukky.xxxx

    Review SourceBy:Jade
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 12 2019

    Have been to this dentist this morning to again be told that my appointment has been cancelled. This has happened numerous times to other members of my family as well as myself. I had telephoned on Thursday to double check that a dentist would be available for my appointment on Monday morning due to the numerous cancellations previously, to be assured that there was no issues and my appointment was confirmed. I then received a text message on Friday reminding me that I had an appointment with them for Monday. When arriving this morning at the dentist I was told “ oh sorry your appointment has been cancelled “. When I complained I was then told “ well we did try to telephone you “. I pointed out that this was untrue and showed them that I had in fact contacted them and the text message that they had sent me. Their response was “ the dentist is on holiday “. I asked did the dentists is the practice always go on holiday at short notice and she replied that they were all self employed so could do what they liked. !!! Myself and my other family members will now be looking for a new dentists as this has happened numerous times. If you expect regular dental care from your dental practice, avoid this clinic at all costs.
    Original Comment Report...

    Review SourceBy:Martinb49
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 6 2019

    Had a thirty minute Appointment for my child, arrived 7 minutes late and was told the dentist would not see us now as next patient had already gone in, ( So the next patient must have arrived at least 25 minutes early and gone straight in - Unheard of!). What difference it would of made for us to wait and have their appointment I do not know? From my experience the dentist is excellent, she has treated our family for many years have we have no complaints. The receptionists on the other hand somehow feel a sense of power to turn you away for being a few minutes late. When you can regularly have to wait AT LEAST 30 minutes to see the dentist! You go on about it costing £40 for missed appointments, this appointment was not missed - We were late due to circumstances beyond our control. In future, If there any reason we can not be on time it would be better just to miss the appointment altogether. Mydentist must educate their receptionists to be more obliging to patients and understand as hard as we try sometimes circumstances get in the way. How many times do they simply put missed appointment and cost your organization money?
    Original Comment Report...

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mydentist, 169 Tuckton Road, Tuckton, Bournemouth, BH6 3LA

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