Acacia Lodge

  • Acacia Lodge
    37-39 Torrington Park, London, N12 9TB
    Rooms : 32
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  • Care Home Information

    Acacia Lodge is a provider of care near London and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 1 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Day Care Available:Yes - Offers day care and support
    Emergency call systems:Yes - Emergency call system installed
    Care Home Type:Residential Care
    Respite Care Available:Yes - Offers shared support / respite care
    Care Home Facilities
    Accepts Local Authority referrals:No - Does not accept Local Authority referrals
    Accepts Self funding Clients:Yes - Accepting self-funded clients
    Daily Activities and Entertainment:Yes - Daily activities and entertainment available
    Care Home Size:Medium 32 beds
    Disabled access throughout the home and gardens:Yes - Disabled access throughout the home and gardens
    En-suite bathroom:Yes - En-suite bathrooms available
    Gardens or secure outside space:Yes - Gardens or secure outside space
    On-site hairdressing available:Yes - On-site hairdressing available
    Overnight visitor facilities:No - Overnight visitor facilities not available
    Pets allowed:Yes - Pets allowed
    Has a place of worship or visiting clergy:Yes - Has a place of worship or visiting clergy
    Secure access to the building:Yes - Has secure access to the building
    Shared rooms available:Yes - Shared rooms available for couples
    Smoking allowed:No - Smoking not allowed
    Special diets catered for:Yes - Special diets catered for
    Wifi access available:Yes - Internet access available

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Acacia Lodge
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    May 29 2018

    I would be extremely reluctant even in the most pressing of circumstances in recommending Acacia Lodge. My initial impression when I visited earlier this year was of a dark, poorly lit and ill thought-out layout. There was no natural light in the main corridor and the hallways were narrow and maze-like. The home, recommended to me by a social worker as a potential for an elderly relative - sounded promising. I wasn't expecting the Hilton but neither was I prepared for such a dark and depressing experience - nor for the overwhelming smell of urine that lingered in the main hallway and in the dingy bedroom that I visited. I know that incontinence can be a factor with vulnerable older people but I was taken aback by how overpowering the smell was.This suggested the staff had become immune to the smell or that there was a lack of care in ensuring there was no smell. The communal room - again gloomy and dark on a sunny afternoon - was pokey. The residents looked numb and distressed. There appeared to be no interaction or care workers in the room and, like the hallways, it also smelled strongly of urine. And although distress can be common among people with Alzheimers or mental frailties, there seemed to be genuine despair on top of the 'usual' confused and emotional states that can occur. I felt so sorry for the residents there. There was no music, the TV was switched off, the windows were closed (which would have increased the smell) and the garden - described in the official blurb as a sort of mini-Paradise, looked overgrown and non-negotiable. And when I asked if residents were encouraged to walk around in the garden, I was given a hasty oh yes but at no point did the manager unlock the doors so I could see the garden for myself. In fact I got the distinct impression that residents - even those with reasonable mobility - were restricted from going into the garden. Now if the garden WAS overgrown, I would be able to appreciate the lack of access as a safeguarding issue but the look of it seemed at odds with the glowing report I'd read. More troublingly it was pointed out to me that Acacia Lodge (at the time of visiting early 2018) wasn't registed with the CQC. This I found odd as I believed it was mandatory in the same way that it's mandatory for charities to be registered with the Charities Commission. A non-registered care home is not one that can fill anyone with confidence. However having seen Acacia Lodge - if the home is still unregistered I can't say I'm surprised. Even allowing for a quiet day, I was left with a deep disquiet. The staff wore no uniforms - a minor point - but in other care homes where staff do have uniforms (usually a branded t-shirt) it makes all the difference and speaks of an organisation that takes pride in its professional care. I would strongly recommend an urgent review of this home and its manager who, in a highly irregular move, used the brightly lit upstairs communal room as her own private office.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Torrington Park.

    Acacia Lodge is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Torrington Park. More information
    The Food Hygiene rating for Acacia Lodge is 5 Very good. More information
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