Three Bridges Nursing Home

  • Three Bridges Nursing Home
    Nook Lane, Latchford, Warrington, WA4 1NT
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Three Bridges Nursing Home is a provider of care near Warrington and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 1 reviews with a rating of 1 out of 5.

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    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  •  Patient Reviews

    Three Bridges Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Aug 25 2018

    Residents are left to sit unchecked in front of TV in lounge for hours. Residents try to wave or shout to Carers to ask to go to the toilet and are so often told "in a minute" or "I'll tell someone"" & the time goes by & the Resident has to try to request again. Today, a Carer told a Resident that she woukd have to ask someone else. Then, just a little while later that Carer went outside for a smoke with another Carer and still the Resident was waiting to go to the toilet. After meals, residents languish in wheelchairs in the dining room waiting to be taken back to the TV in the lounge. The introduction of computerized reporting into hand held devices is consuming more Carers' time away from Residents' care. No resident can be taken to bed during 1930 - 2000 as this time is solely earmarked for computer reporting time, plus, during the shift, Carers are seen stopping to add details into their phones. Those residents who do not wish to be put to bed before 1915 must wait until the night Carers have served the supper snack & drink around 2015. The Residents still in front of the TV in the lounge find themselves waiting for the Carers until 2100-2130., or even later for some poor souls, as the Carers disappear into the rooms of bedridden Residents There are only two Carers @ night when there is an obvious need for three. The Nurse is not in a position to help them until she has completed the enormous task of giving meds. Those Residents left behind in the TV lounge are at a high risk of falling from their seats as they start to lean at precarious angles in their sleep. Even a weary Resident with Alzheimer's has tried to leave her seat and get herself to bed, forgetting that she is not capable of walking. Fortunately, a Resident less compromised managed to stop her. Three Bridges relies on Agency Carers @ night - tonight only one came. A phone call had to be made and luckily a Carer was willing to come in - arrived around 2115. Past discussions with the Nursing Home manager change nothing.
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    Three Bridges Nursing Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Warrington. More information
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