Asher Nursing Home

  • Asher Nursing Home
    33 Wilbury Gardens, Hove, BN3 6HQ
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Asher Nursing Home is a service for up to seventeen adults who have mental health support needs. The service is located in Hove, East Sussex and is registered to provide accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Mental health conditions: Yes, offers care for Mental health conditions
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Treatment of disease, disorder or injury: Yes, offers Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
    Care Home Type:with nursing

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Asher Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Carol Fox And Julia Colclough rating
    Sep 19 2016

    Overall Asher is a very good care home for severely mentally ill people. The manager and staff try their best under difficult circumstances. No home is likely to be rated excellent because of the nature of the challenges they face. Everybody is courteous though some staff can seem defensive if one raises an issue. Unusually, because we visit regularly we have better insight into the running of Asher. Our brother is extremely unco-operative yet he regards Asher as his home and would not wish to be elsewhere. Our major concern, in view of he pressures of the home, is that he does not get enough one-to-one time with a particular member of staff who is his chief carer. This has been better in rhe past.. On the whole though we are satisfied with his care.
    Original Comment Report...

    Asher Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:S Isted rating
    Mar 15 2016

    Asher Nursing Home is alright.
    Original Comment Report...

    Asher Nursing Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Jan 20 2016

    My sister has been in the home for many years and is very happy there. She gets on well with the staff and likes the food. She never has any complaints.
    Original Comment Report...

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Hove.

    Asher Nursing Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Hove. More information
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