Alexandra House

  • Alexandra House
    Hillborough Road, Olton, Solihull, B27 6PFEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Alexandra House provides accommodation with high quality personal care for& older people.& We positively welcome both Self Funders and Council funded care applicants.

    Located close to local amenities and transport links our modern fully registered purpose built care home for older people, compromises of 36 pleasantly furnished and decorated rooms for single occupancy.

    Alexandra House enjoys an excellent reputation with the Care Quality Commission, local Councils and healthcare professionals who& inspect and refer residents to us.

    As part of a& registered not for profit Charity, founded in 1868, there is the assurance of a high standard of care, while charges are kept to a minimum.

    Within the standard weekly charge (&£509.85pw for self-funders), laundry and all cleaning& is included as well as meals provided daily by on-site professional caterers.&

    Our residents have peace of mind from knowing that we provide 24-hour high quality personal support and care, maintaining residents& choice, dignity and respect.& Providing personalised high quality services is our top priority.

    Respite facilities are also available to those in need of a short term stay. Typically this is used for residents who many have been ill or had to stay in hospital or to allow carers to take a break.& &

    The services and facilities offered at our Trust support, enable and promote residents& ability to fulfill their goals and ambitions.&

    Please contact us to arrange to visit and look around.&



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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Alexandra House
    Review SourceBy:Roy g rating
    Jun 21 2021

    The same as anonymous at least three UTIs followed by falls One fall to many she lost mobility was evicted this seems to be a pattern The staff in my opinion are great but the management is awful theres no communication the phone system rarely worked i only found out my mom fell the last time she was admitted to hospital as the doctor told me she was bruised all down one side this was not mentioned once by the management Now my mom is in a well run caring home she has had no UTIs or falls you don't realise how poor a home is until you experience a good one She was evicted during the lock down then we had to pick her belongings up off the pavement wrapped in bin liners then tried to charge us full price for storing them while we sorted her out

    Alexandra House
    Review SourceBy:Roy greaves rating
    Jun 12 2021

    Same as anonymous multiple UTIs followed by falls one fall to many bruising all down one side of body decided they couldnt look after her any more evicted her during lockdown to hospital left us floundering around desperately trying to rehome her and collect her belongings we had to pick up belongings in black bags on pavement outside then they had the nerve to try and charge us full price for looking after them My advice would be multiple UTIs then a fall get out as quick as possible

    Alexandra House
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Apr 19 2014

    After assessing my father early March and receiving a letter confirming they are able to meet his needs, this has proven not to be the case. Whilst in the homes care he had a fall, this according to Heartlands Hospital was due to a urine infection which he was then given treatment for. He was going to be discharged that evening, but after the home had given him morphine (understandable as they thought he had broken his shoulder, which he hadn't - no injuries what-so-ever), he was very unstable and so the hospital kept him in to keep an eye on him. Alexander House then said they must reassess him to see if they were still able to meet his needs?! He needs were no different to what they were before! After a week of being in hospital, Alexander House finally assessed him today 19/4/20014 at 13:30. After waiting all day for a phone call I telephone the hospital to see what the situation was, expecting my father to be back home - at Alexander House. It was the hospital who told me that Alexander House would not have him back! I telephone Alexander House to see what the situation was and in fact the reason they are not having him back has nothing to do with his hospital stay, it is in fact that despite all information provided to me that they care for people with dementia, it is apparent that their capabilities with this illness is limited and cannot provided the care my father actually requires. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally understand that if my father needs to be somewhere better able to provide the care he needs, this is fine and something I will need to sort out. But to just leave him in hospital with no home to go to is disgraceful! It's just not human! I would have at least expected for my father to stay till the end of the month for which he has already paid for.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Alexandra House
    Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:03:43 +0100

    As a professional and caring Charitable Trust we always feel concerned to have a disappointed customer. We take comments seriously so to review and improve our services, and hope that this gentleman is doing well in his present accommodation. Applicants undergo detailed pre-admission assessments by our experienced staff before deciding we could safely care for them at Alexandra House. We consider all available information including from the potential resident, family members and importantly independent professional reports. In this case there was no Social Work or any Medical reports available and we solely relied on relatives to tell us about their father’s needs. Unfortunately it soon became evident that this gentleman had severe difficulties that we had not been informed about and they impacted on his safety, and that of our other residents. Regarding the fall that took place on the 12th April, a Senior Team Leader called the Paramedics due to concerns about shoulder pain. They suspected a fractured Clavicle, administered morphine and arranged for him to go immediately to hospital. The family was contacted and an accident report completed. It wasn’t till the 18thApril that hospital staff told us a hospital based reassessment could be undertaken. But after this reassessment, healthcare professionals agreed that this gentleman should move to accommodation more suited to his needs, saying it would be inappropriate for him to return to our residential care home as we were unlikely to be able to meet his high needs. The family were informed about this decision - in the interests of their father, to preserve his safety in view of constant wandering, frequent attempts to exit the care home and behaviour towards other residents. When asked when they should empty his room they were told this could be done at their convenience, however the family arrived the next day to empty the room. Alexandra House cares for several people who have Dementia and we celebrate many very successful placements. Our staff are all properly trained in dementia care and the Home Manager is highly experienced. Dementia itself is not necessarily a concern. However it covers a wide spectrum with people exhibiting different needs and behaviours. Our service is not a nursing home, nor is it a secure locked unit and decisions will always depend on the nature of each person’s illness, its progression, and our responsibility to keep all residents safe. In this case safety had been identified as a key issue with this gentleman’s care - both before and during hospitalisation. It was therefore agreed by medical staff that it was not in his best interests to return to the Home. In such cases and while waiting for more suitable accommodation it is normal for people to remain in their current placement; in this case the hospital, pending a move. Sadly no complaint was received by the Home Manager prior to the family placing their comment on NHS Choice and this would have provided the opportunity to investigate and respond to the family’s concerns.

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Solihull.

    Alexandra House is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Solihull. More information
    Yes, Dementia Care is avaiable at Alexandra House. To see the full list of care option available, click More Information.
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